Join the OSB Solo and Small Firm Practitioners Section
The Solo and Small Firm Practitioner Section is dedicated to the advancement of the interests and concerns of the solo and small firm practitioner. Membership in the OSB Solo and Small Firm Practitioner Section will give you the opportunity to access FREE or LOW COST CLEs, to network with other lawyers locally and from around the state, give you a stronger voice in the issues affecting solo and small firm attorneys, and an outlet to volunteer and make a real difference. Membership in the section costs only $22/year.
Membership Benefits:
- Free/Low-cost CLEs. We understand how important it is to watch the budget on everything as a solo and small firm practitioner. Therefore, we actively sponsor and co-sponsor many FREE or low-cost CLEs. From full-day CLEs to one-hour CLEs, we focus on providing timely CLEs to meet the needs of our membership.
- Listserve. We were the first section to use a listserve and ours remains the best. This single resource is invaluable to tap into the collective wisdom of our membership. It is a wonderful resource for all our members to receive answers to questions, trade forms, make and get referrals and network for clients. Recent topics have covered the best practice in substantive areas of the law, alerts to changes in the law, practical advice on handling particular cases, the best software/hardware to use, and best office procedures. Unlike other sections with listserves that cover only one area of the law our listserve is open to the needs of our members.
- Advocacy Efforts. We actively and effectively advocate positions that affect the solo and small firm practitioner. We successfully advocated for access to BarBooks for the whole bar at the same price and ended the huge discounts available only to large firms. Also, we successfully advocated for the defeat of the “multidisciplinary practice” (i.e., other entities owning law firms, like accountants or Walmart) and we successfully championed the creation of the Client Assistance Office to resolve client issues without the use of disciplinary procedures. We are currently actively involved with the PLF to adjust the billing/coverage requirements to make payments more convenient for our members. We continue to participate actively on many issues to ensure that our views will be taken into account.
- Local Chapters. The section currently holds monthly networking lunches in Portland and executive committee meetings in Tigard. These meetings provide great networking opportunities. If you practice outside of Portland, and are interested, let us know and we will help you start a local chapter in your area. Here you can volunteer and really make a difference.
All solos and lawyers in firms of five or fewer lawyers are welcome and encouraged to join the section.
Join Today:
Online: Sign up and pay section fees at:
Mail: Send your check for $22, with the notation “Solo and Small Firm Practitioner Section” to: OSB Accounting Office, P.O. Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281‑1935
Download and share the SSF Section membership flyer.
The benefits are so great it is time you joined!